No other title could be better suited to a compilation which celebrates a netlabel who has done so much for underground music and creative commons media in such a short period of time. In the words of our esteemed label owner:
This compilation is an anniversary release to celebrate the one millionth download on Sirona-Records! The only words I can say are: Thank you for everything! When I started Sirona, I never expected so much love and dedication from all the people who contributed to it. We have already made something of which we can be proud, but, please remember: The adventure continues..." -Arnaud Barbe
Tipping the scales at nine hours and 118 artists, this is indeed a celebration. Spanning seven virtual discs, "Sincerity Is The Key" tips the scales at just under 1GB of music, covering everything from dance and electronica to punk and metal to ambient and noise. It's unlikely that you'll run out of things to listen to with this great, free collection on your hard drive or portable listening device. Did I also mention that this compilation features an exclusive track by Subterrestrial called "Ocean Beach?"
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